Theme creation is fairly easy this is the step by step information on how to create your own themes.

Step 1

  1. Select your theme name for the purpose of this example let's call it mytheme.
  2. Create a folder called mytheme in your /data/themes/ directory.
  3. Copy the content of /themes/default to the folder /themes/mytheme.

Step 2

In the /themes/mytheme directory, you can edit default.htm.

If you wish to make the changes in the Applet tag rather than in the PRM files you will need to remove the ssp param. You should also copy the default.htm file and name it mytheme.htm which you will place in the /data/themes/ directory. You would add your parameters in the format of:
<param name=value value="value">
<param name=connect value="false">

In the PRM files the changes are done in this format:

If you want to make modification directly on the applet DO NOT OPEN the applet with HTML editors, for example FrontPage. Using HTML editors often removes important data the applet tag will need. This will cause your applet not to function. Use this method instead:
On Your browser click on VIEW > Source
That will open the source in Notepad where you can make the modifications directly.

When you are done click on file > save as > "mytheme.htm" all files.

Step 3:
In the /data/params/ copy the def.prm file and rename the copy to mytheme.prm.

You can open the PRM file using notepad in windows or your Unix editor if you are running a Unix edition of ConferenceRoom. You can then edit add and change all the parameters within the mytheme.prm file to create a custom look for your theme.

Additional Information:
You will find an active link for the latest Java parameters list at: http://www.webmaster.com/update.shtml