These are the steps to create a moderated room or run a large-scale event. The moderators currently should use an IRC client rather than the Java client.

Step 1:
You will need to oper yourself using the oper command:
/oper <nick> <password>

Step 2:
You need to now select the rooms that will be running the moderated event and the room that the moderators will scan questions from.

All users and moderators would enter the room #live-chat
All moderators would also be in the channel #live-scan

Step 3:
Moderation settings:
/join #live-chat
/samode #live-chat +o yournickname
/mode #live-chat +tnmcdAM #live-chat

Note that the mode +A is an Enterprise only feature.

/join #live-scan
/samode #live-scan +o yournickname
/mode #live-scan +snN #live-chat

The moderators/operators should be opped in both rooms. The regular users will be in #live-chat anything they say in that room will be forwarded to #live-scan. You can then select the questions you want to answer from #live-scan and paste them back into #live-chat.

Additional Channel/Room mode information:
/helpserv cmodes

Enterprise Users can also use the Java Event Wizard to assist them in event setup:
/load EventWizard